Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eczema Circle On Skin

ENT medical conference in Salzburg

tumors, hearing and almonds, it is primarily the 54th ENT Äzrtekongress in Salzburg. Because we hold wildbild photographers also like conferences and press conferences for our clients, we too can be learned along the way major news. For example, that it is now in tonsil operations in the field of rehabilitation are much stricter guidelines. After it had been in 2006/07 to 5 deaths result from bleeding after tonsil operations, intensive research has been the cause, symptoms and surgical techniques examined. The result: tighter indications to surgery, and a leaflet for parents and patients, which educates in the case of bleeding. "One of the main results of all these discussions was the recommendation that children under 6 years, a tonsillectomy - ie a complete removal of the whole almonds - only perform in a very very special circumstances in all other cases of operation need to be known as tonsillectomy -. The partial removal of the tonsils -. be preferred given were, and are modern and innovative surgical techniques available, "said Heinz Stammberger, head of clinical department f. Ear, nose and throat medicine at the Medical University of Graz. The study, carried out in sequence with data from 9500 patients in Austria, led not only conclusions but also said measurable success. Since then, no deaths were recorded by bleeding.

ENT expert and president of the Congress Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerd Rasp has already conducted more than 350 cochlear implantations. "In the future, particularly the conservative and surgical treatment of moderate hearing impairment will be important - for both adults and children, as well as the growing group of seniors," said Rasp. The Salzburg ENT-University Hospital has an outstanding national center for diagnosis and therapy developed in the inpatient and outpatient care, including the pediatric otorhinolaryngology, plastic surgery of the head and neck area, the head and neck carcinomas and Otoneurologie.

The Klagenfurt ENT primary Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Edmund Eckel deals with tumors that are more and more. This was not least because of the age pyramid. . The treatment of cancer is also a classical field of interdisciplinary cooperation. With the establishment of a regular tumor boards for head and neck cancer patients the interdisciplinary treatment concepts are available.

Saturday 18 September 2010, the 2. Open House held. Between 8:00 and 12:00 clock in the Salzburg Congress, the Mozart Room, it gives an insight into the wide range of ear, nose and throat medicine and head and neck surgery receive.
main issues of short lectures - from 9:00 clock - are: •
• laryngeal diseases
• almonds and its diseases
. In addition to lectures movies, hearing tests and information will be provided on noise protection.
are involved in the exhibition the company Cochlear Hansaton MedEl and Neuroth and the "Austrian hearing Federation Federation (ÖSB) and the "Association of Laryngectomees Halsatmer and Austria".
The representatives of the Austrian Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery and the participating organizations and companies are looking forward to meeting you and answering your questions.


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