, from Carsten Ondreka
On Tuesday and Wednesday will the newly established "platform for the freedom of Mustafa Atalay" on the situation of severe heart disease 52 year old Turkish prisoners make them pay attention. Against him and four other Men currently work on a trial before the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart-Stammheim. You membership in a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to Section 129b is accused. You are members of the Turkish Revolutionary People's Liberation Party - Front (DHKP-C). The process is considered by the lawyers and the platform is a testing ground for further proceedings against suspected members and sympathizers of foreign liberation movements. Recently began in Dusseldorf a 129-b trial of two Turkish left. The defendants in Stuttgart are being held in prison in Stuttgart-Stammheim under special conditions of detention. Also, Mustafa Atalay, who since November 2006 is in custody. He is 23 hours a day alone in the cell or in the infirmary. His post will be issued only after considerable delay. Political magazines he does not get cooked. Atalay can follow the process only with the help of strong drugs. Three of the applications for bail were rejected so far.
The platform for the freedom of Mustafa Atalay has organized Tuesday a delegation that will attend the coming of the trial. Included are the writer Peter O. Chotjewitz, the psychologist Ralf Binswanger and Christian Herrgesell from the Committee for Basic Rights and Democracy. On Wednesday, they are at a press conference in Stuttgart DGB-Haus (Willi-Bleicher-Straße) report on the situation Mustafa Atalay and ongoing process.
Solidarity platform will increase the pressure on the court and obtain Atalay release. In addition, the wider public to be informed about the current 129-b method. That a mentally unstable double agent, who each worked for Turkish and German secret services, acting as a main witness in the trial is, for example, only a few known. Was rarely discussed so far and that statements obtained under torture are used in Turkey as evidence in the bourgeois media. "The process," said a spokesman of the platform compared to young world "Leads many legal standards ad absurdum."
Carsten Ondreka, Junge Welt, 07.07.2009
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