WOW Fashion Show in the republic: are fur vests and leather, the must haves of the season
Fashion, Fashion, Fashion. Since the wildbild Eventfoto team feel at home. The fashion photos this time by our new photographer, Emilia. The Web video of Doris. We have of course immediately noticed our favorite parts: Head west. Since it is styled properly for Krampus events in each case. Leggings and long shirts are still season. Also my favorite color purple I can continue to carry at least this season. In terms of leather upgrade is announced clearly. No leather pants or leather dress goes this fall at all. WOW Event Lady Andrea Krieger has brought old merchants of avant-comma, Ellie Fashion, Inizio, Jones, jeweler Schneider, Hämmerle, Motodrom, Medion, S. Oliver, Rieger fashion and costumes Forstlechner in the republic on a catwalk. The highlight of Salzburg's Old Town Fashion Weeks. This has been an international standard. So: Let us again this fall to wild animals: With animal prints in Leo and snake, with leather and fur. Displays claws! WOW!
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