I write today the worst blog post ever in the house cat whispering. I'm sitting here staring at the input window and my tears run down his face.
over 8 years ago called me to the school friend that I got my first hangover. The Hound of the parents would have outside of our house a little cat "picked up", which had suspended guess someone and gently worn like his own puppy by the neck into the house. 2 weeks the little guy lived in the large bathroom of the family, then he came to me for further mediation. As the picturesque white-gray kittens with the wonderful Butterfly drawing from the kennel grew, it was instantly hooked. He was shy, but very alert and interested, and when he is two days later, snuggled at my feet, it was finally done for me. I brought two handfuls of cat with nodular worm, stomach to the vet, my grande Dame took over the mother-substitute and from then on it was cat-whispering of the rest in the house. Jamie thrived, spun our lives into chaos and brought himself to the old lady to remember her youth and again from the old part to come down. The cat slept at night in my arms or snuggled up to my neck, like later on my belly. I was the only one to take him up and was sometimes scratch the tummy and sometimes I was sick, he took care of me and lay down donating purring comforting to me.
The first night he eventually climbed on top of me, lay down on my chest, pieselte and heard since then never really on it. There are countless posts on this blog that tell of it and also report that I always considered it my responsibility to deal with it and the animal, if possible to help - because of course I failed to recognize not Pieselei as evil but realized the cry for help animal.
veterinary visits, animal communications and regular in recent years, acupuncture and osteopathic treatment procured relief and temporary improvement, but could the "problem" does not solve long-term or permanently. Then announced himself in our human family and I was increased with progression of pregnancy increasingly immobile. Jamie could not sleep on my stomach at some point I could barely bend over naturally to pet him. With the birth of my son (in 2 weeks, we celebrate his first birthday), the situation worsened for Jamie. Not only had he cut back even further, and Yoki, are also living cats mate, and had to respond to his frustration from Jamie. Again and again he was treated at the osteopath, and homeopathy, but nothing worked permanently. Meanwhile, he pieselt very regularly 2 times a week on my bed, my pillow, the blanket (and only then, by the way very consistent, again to a maximum of accidentally washing lying around mountains or my bag when I was on the way). We have tried pheromones and of course he was repeatedly checked by a veterinarian. I have prepared for them. All laundry is very hot washable, the mattress is protected with incontinence conditions and I try to give the cat as much attention and affection as possible. But, it does not help and I notice that my pet more and more under the situation and suffering is always unhappy. He has now begun also to pee next to the sleeping child. Thus the situation here is definitely not endure for all of us, man and beast. I would like it to my animals are doing well and are happy - this I regard as part of my responsibility.
Let me therefore now take the step that I would have thought until recently never knew I would pull it ever even consider:
I am looking for a new loving home
for my 8 year old cat Jamie.
for my 8 year old cat Jamie.
I have not made this decision lightly, but now must realize well that there is no other way. Animal shelter or even sleep of course, can not an option.
Jamie is:
- 8 years old and for me, since he is a few weeks old. Exact age unknown.
- a bit shy but very affectionate and cuddly, if you saw him, twice.
- talkative when you hit the right note.
- a large, handsome animal of almost 8 kg weight Schnurr with beautiful green eyes and long legs.
- of course spayed (as a young male after the onset of sexual maturity)
- snoring at night, a bit o)
- lived with his foster-mother, my old cat lady, and now the bully cat together, but should live in the future would be better alone.
- Grand Master in the-cute-to-the-sofa-lounging.
- as far as food is unpretentious, but on a very clean and as big litter box (I clean at least 1x a day) with viiiiiiiel scattered in it.
- loves light. Spots of light and shadow, he can chase those are his passion, as well as sticks to play, in which springs are attached. It retrieves and even get the game that was not enough at all. And when the sun shines and casts shadows funny, Jamie is back to the little kittens and hunting.
- a great mosquito and fly trap - and he eats decently even completely on o)
- loves to be petted it behind the ears and under the chin.
- loves Knabberstangen, fresh meat and is lucky if he can lap up the exceptional remains of my yogurt.
- can be unhesitatingly cut the claws (he gets in the house, unfortunately not sufficient in itself and gets caught at some point, if that is not done)
- primed, but has been vaccinated in recent years, not more consultation with the vet. Vaccination is of course available.
- in the sacrum a bit spindly. It is no longer follow whether the periodic blocking is manifested by mental health problems has, or vice versa.
- loves verdösen to elevated positions on the sofa or the day and get in between a round of tender loving care to pick.
- otherwise pumperlgesund, active, playful cat and a great buddy.
Jamie scratched on walls or even on the sofa (which he has the old cat lady taught well!), And killed off but due to the slightly limited mobility in the rear back a flower pot. He has never had problems with mites or the like, the teeth are for a gentleman in the prime of life 1a and the grooming takes Jamie on accurate.
I wish for him a home where he is the full King. Jamie likes women far better than men, but has also quite used to the landlord. A sunny spot in front of the door or on the balcony and I would find it great because here the cats have access to the secure balcony. Jamie is chipped and registered with Tasso.
More about Jamie can be read here in the whispering of cats under the label of Jamie and him and get to know us better.
If you, dear reader, Jamie can offer a new home or want to, I am pleased with an e-mail to ceci [at] ceci [dot] com. If not, but you want to publish this article on your blog or link, please forward tell me about it as well. And even if there are questions about Jamie, to us or the reasons why he is looking for a new home, I am pleased with your e-mail.
I hope that Jamie will soon find a place that is appropriate for him and where he can once again be the lucky cat that deserves to be.
Thank you.
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