Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nic Neat Ideas Cubes Rabbit

tie alert!

Ieeekh! Ties everywhere. Even our army with tie. Should we be surprised at the spread of the type of tie priest? I mean NO!

Under the uncopyable video the Great tattoo on which traditionally is also the Yorcksche march played, is found below the video of our cringe-inducing ties and Sacko Army, which is trying scrupulously to march not, but to shuffle a obviously interesting American Commentary:
The shear york ... beautiful march but the display is so humble So Humble ... no goose step .... soldier with ties, etc. No this is indeed far from the "old tradition".
The yorksche ... a nice walk, but the appearance is so humble Sun contrite ... no goose step .. Soldiers with ties, etc. No, this is in fact far from the "old tradition". If
me vaguely familiar: I am a soldier, sorry should not happen again, I'm Catholic, sorry, should not happen again. Obviously, the timid, uptight, the ubiquitous self-contempt as the tenor has not become merely the Germans.

My grandfather was a member of the Imperial Guard. He fell in the First World War. For complicated reasons I have inherited his Militärdevotionalien. The pipe, which were all reservists to leave, a colored picture of my grandfather in the parade uniform of the Imperial Guard. He was so incredibly proud to be allowed to serve in the Guard.
Never has the human race dressed as ugly as in our era of free choice of clothing. Clothe the people only traditional costumes or uniforms. Nicolas Gomez Davila


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