As we celebrated in before last year in our community after 30 years of civil status Married One of our wedding Mass in the extraordinary form in our community, that was the first bridal show in this form for more than 40 years. Pictures there are not, at least not from this show. Here, there are now pictures and an explanation of the ritual of a wedding fair in the form of a levitated high office.
fell on me once again why a number of legal experts studied the trailer in the rite are extraordinary form. The "old" wedding rite takes the special liturgical, sacramental and clear legal character of the sacrament of marriage expressed as the wedding rite, which was agreed as "integrated" in the context of Vatican II rite. (Para 77.78 SC)
How SC expressed, should the marriage rite "enriched" to be. In fact, he was impoverished, the Introit, which refers to the Book of Tobit (which you may want to make the Protestant Mitgeschwistern a joy), was abolished and replaced by a set of Allerweltsintroiten, the reading from Eph 5, 22-33 was - if she even read yet - be reduced by the politically incorrect first three sets, instead added to the set 21, which would have the sense of "equality" meaning made ("Submit to one another in the fear of God"), the bride's blessing was the sense of "equality" is canceled, this time in the sense of equality of the groom. ;
The sacrament of marriage, the spouses give each other to put it in the words of the famous anti-Catholic battle poem Heinrich Heine, "and lack of Pfaff blessing here, the marriage is not valid for less". Which the good Henry, yes not only received the baptism but also described the sacrament of marriage in the extraordinary rite, clear the character of the sacrament of marriage than the Second Vatican has done with his nijemoudischen wedding mishmash.
The marriage takes place in non-orden Lichen rite before the show, thus preventing even in the order of the rite the mistake, find it here, a "church wedding" took place. Originally found the marriage take place before the church door, is before the so-called bride gate, the importance of liturgical and classification now largely forgotten. In our former church, which used a neo-Gothic church with all the trimmings, including with bride gate, this gate was walled up. In the village there was of the opinion that this case involved a "surplus" side entrance.
NLM pray for Mrs. Owen and Mr. Curry to your prayers. ( Mister Owen way with a "Stresemann")
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