Now we have it so again dressed in allerhöchstberufenstem mouth, the lips of eight with the highest political office or once-clad Catholic Polti core, and the mouth of a total of 144 + Catholic theology professors is : We have a shortage of priests, and - the only solution of the problem is the abolition of compulsory celibacy and the ordination of women. But someone really believes in this theory? Well, even our Pope in 1970 at least excited to think about whether the repeal of the rule could be a solution celibacy. Since then he has been thinking. The result is known.
I wonder whether politicians and 144 of these eight professors even one seriously believes that the elimination of celibacy was seriously address the problem of declining number of priests.
The review this thesis should not be that hard, after all, we have yet used for five hundred years ago a religious company that has always been not only no celibacy knew for pastors, but rather in the image of the whole building, the model of the prototypical imaging and thus many children pastor's family . As least as long as the youth pastor assured as long as the presbyteries not the reconstituted families, multiple divorced and remarried, or, as now, the bischwulesbischen wide partnerships made.
Turning to the situation in the Catholic Church. In 2009 came forward only whole 209 candidates for training as a priest. The course is hard and tedious, long-term average about 50% fail in training, so that in 2009 we only whole welcomed 99 new priests . A loss of 80% compared to the year 1965, back then there were another 500 new priests. The indication that indeed the number of practicing Catholics has shrunk dramatically caught, as not quite. Although the percentage of churchgoers in recent years is also shrunk, in the period from 1965 (45%) to 13% today only equivalent but "only" a loss of around 71%. The number of new priests to shrink a bit faster than the number of practicing Catholics. The deviation is small but what then confirms the thesis that the number of priests is shrinking very reason, because faith is shrinking and, in particular the Sacrament ministry. The decline of churchgoers is almost parallel to the decline of new priests. This is for anyone who keeps herself busy with statistics, statistically significant.
The consequence of that would be truly alone and logically be drawn from this development would be in order not to scale down the requirements for priests, but - more to pray. And the prayer of the Catholic Church is the public prayer, the liturgy. Just the liturgy, who want to deconstruct 144 +.
The Protestant "BruderundSchwesterKirche" is less precise figures. At least we know the numbers of students, as the saying in inclusive language and words saucorrect politically. Currently preparing for just 2180 " students " preparing for the ministry. This represents a year of strength at a minimum of six years in most cases presumably lengthy study of about 300 students. Extrapolating this number to the number of successful graduates is likely to remain down, maybe 150 Neupastoren per year. Which is a growing proportion female. The current trend continues, the Office of evangelical pastors to a typical female profession. Some of the women is already at more than 60%. What also of the Protestant Church is not any is happy.
If we add now - in order not to compare apples to oranges - male to male pastors, priests, shows that, even with regard to the production of (male) ministers of the Protestant model, no success
Again, only the prayer does not help, some of which are wrong reform proposals of the 144th Not to mention that the exact cause of the problem, the loss of faith and consequently the lack of worshipers, more precisely to ignore liturgical prayer, and be talking also a deconstruction of the liturgy of the word.
also helps here a view over the garden fence. The communities that adhere to the traditional form of the liturgy, the sacrificial character of the event to emphasize the role of the priest in its traditional form as a celibate old Christ-emphasize the prayer made for vocations to the permanent institution can, through a lack of priestly vocations not . complain Pius and Peter Brotherhood is one of the few Catholic entities that have shown in recent years a rapid and continuous growth. Shall belong to the SSPX at present 511 priests since its founding, the Fraternity to a continuous growth, which had been recorded in any single year decline. The same applies to the FSSP , which also increases continuously since 1988.
Today, right at the height of prospective new culture war we read on the day of the Holy Agatha of Catania Matthew 19, verse 3-12. By we, I mean, however, the followers of the "Old Mass", and thus the old lectionary. Now it's all at this reading about the problem these days, the for life-term monogamous marriage on the one hand and the "unmarried, who know not of themselves want from the marriage for the Kingdom's sake." Agatha is a martyr, because she refused the marriage with a heathen, and professes to be Christian. With the dramatic depiction of the martyrdom of Agatha I always had a problem, so this somewhat less bloody display. Saint Agatha in any case I think the judge to be saints of those days. St. Agatha, help!
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