Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can You Take A Shower With Tiffany


The first three pages of my newspaper today are full. Guttenberg's thesis here, Guttenberg's thesis because he now has half a dozen websites, as it is a matter of form was not identified, or more. A Topic that I frankly told entirely a shit about.

displaced Anyway, this Pipifax the real message of the day on page five, namely, that another three soldiers of the German army in the war against international Terorbanden Islamists were killed. Also Guttenberg, who visited only one day before the attack on the bomb site visit, has a dangerous job in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan it is

of life and death, literally a few footnotes. Pipifaxland. The world is burning, and in Germany are worried Krümelkacker a doctoral thesis, published as usual in an edition of a few hundred copies, and its essential meaning is to help the author to a Ph.D. jewelry.

The promoters of this "ground breaking story" are known. Andreas Fischer-Lescano , editor of Critical Justice.

I characteristic, the leaf. Founded in the years of fame as the first left-wing newspaper lawyers who wanted the right place at the time still in the service of world proletarian revolution. For since there appeared articles on "Marxist Theory of Law", was hailed Paschukanis Leninist legal theorist. Well, my SchockschwernotslangGedächtnis.

Today's assignment of Blättgens can be written in the heavy-German I read self-description:
The journal "Critical Justice" is aimed at lawyers, law students, trainee teachers, legal and social scientists, trade union secretaries, social workers, educators, economists, environmental scientists. That
Fischer-Lescano listened as founding member the "Ypsilanti Cuban Institute for Applied Sciences", completes the picture. A Doctor of probably many weeks of paid from state funds spent time trying to transfer to another doctor, that the half a dozen quotes of his doctoral thesis has not labeled as such, probably has nothing better to do.

The picture shows the great uncle of our Defence Minister, Karl-Ludwig zu Guttenberg, one of the heads of the resistance during the Third Reich, and editor of the whites letters . A reminder of a time when it was not to footnotes. And a small indication that the "case Guttenberg not only a PhD, but about the bad memories of the political left, for which a Guttenberg is a perpetual reminder that the" anti-fascist "Left in the fight against Hitler has failed.


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